Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So I haven't posted in a while....

God is constantly finding ways to bless us.

Our most recent is that since we can't afford to send Isaiah to Preschool, I have taken on Homeschooling him. Since I am not planning to let him know most schools don't have lessons over the Summer, Christmas, and Easter break, and other periodic breaks during the school year, I am doing full lessons 4 days a week (adding up to about 815 instruction hours of curriculum, over about 48, four-day, school week), with 1 day of "fun learning". Like, yesterday- instead of doing "work", we made a matching game. He found words that started with "a" or "b" in magazines and cut them out. Then he glued them to an index card. On another index card, I wrote the word. Then, we matched the pictures and words over-and over-and over- and OVER. This seemed to work pretty well, so I plan to have him find pictures for each letter as we go through the alphabet. HE also did a few numbers practice sheets, but the bulk of the time was spent on the game cards.

We are also blessed that Mark was given a promotion.... though it is without a raise! But- he now has "supervisor" to add to his resume'! He has never been able to say that, so it is a HUGE blessing in that fact!

Vincent is growing SO fast! He is already 9 1/2 months old! He weighs 22-23lbs and is 29 3/4 inches long. He has been crawling for a little over a month and started pulling himself up about 10 days ago. I am told constantly that he is "The happiest baby I've ever met!" ... and over all, he really is! Those first 2 months were DREADFUL! But if going through that would bring about this much of a happy baby again, I'd endure it all over again in a heart beat!

I plan to start taking better notes on the blessings He sends us! I have been slacking off, and when I do, I can feel Satan trying to play with what I think. I WON'T let him have his way! So, I will spend more time in HIM and spreading His blessings around. Perhaps, I should add, I am blessed to have access to sites like these!

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