Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So I haven't posted in a while....

God is constantly finding ways to bless us.

Our most recent is that since we can't afford to send Isaiah to Preschool, I have taken on Homeschooling him. Since I am not planning to let him know most schools don't have lessons over the Summer, Christmas, and Easter break, and other periodic breaks during the school year, I am doing full lessons 4 days a week (adding up to about 815 instruction hours of curriculum, over about 48, four-day, school week), with 1 day of "fun learning". Like, yesterday- instead of doing "work", we made a matching game. He found words that started with "a" or "b" in magazines and cut them out. Then he glued them to an index card. On another index card, I wrote the word. Then, we matched the pictures and words over-and over-and over- and OVER. This seemed to work pretty well, so I plan to have him find pictures for each letter as we go through the alphabet. HE also did a few numbers practice sheets, but the bulk of the time was spent on the game cards.

We are also blessed that Mark was given a promotion.... though it is without a raise! But- he now has "supervisor" to add to his resume'! He has never been able to say that, so it is a HUGE blessing in that fact!

Vincent is growing SO fast! He is already 9 1/2 months old! He weighs 22-23lbs and is 29 3/4 inches long. He has been crawling for a little over a month and started pulling himself up about 10 days ago. I am told constantly that he is "The happiest baby I've ever met!" ... and over all, he really is! Those first 2 months were DREADFUL! But if going through that would bring about this much of a happy baby again, I'd endure it all over again in a heart beat!

I plan to start taking better notes on the blessings He sends us! I have been slacking off, and when I do, I can feel Satan trying to play with what I think. I WON'T let him have his way! So, I will spend more time in HIM and spreading His blessings around. Perhaps, I should add, I am blessed to have access to sites like these!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

God never stops amazing me!

This past week, we were reading Mark 4 in Bible Study. It is about when Jesus taught at the waters edge to Sea of Galilei, then they left to go to "the other side" and in the middle of the sea, a huge storm arose. Jesus was sleeping on the boat, and the disciples became very afraid due to the severity of the storm. They went to awake Him, saying "Do you not care that we are all going to die?" Then, Jesus commanded the storm to stop.

After going through the study, we began to talk about what our "personal storms" are. I said that I feel as if what we are going through right now is a financial storm. But, even though this storm keeps raging, There have been so many reasons for me to find blessings with-in this storm. I went on to explain how every time we get to the point that we are scared and crying out to our Lord, He reaches down and says "Don't worry! I've got you!" And SOMEHOW people come through and provide for us. He has taken care of everything from a car seat, to groceries, to a toy for our older child... and this week... He did it again, through 2 ladies in the study with me.

I cried as I shared my storm, but even more so the amazing ways that God keeps holding us through it all. I guess that touched them both deeply. One came up to me immediately after the study, gave me a hug and thanked me for sharing. She then put a $20 in my hand. I tried to refuse, but she said she wanted to! She said "I don't care if you go get a pedicure or if you buy something for the house. I just want to give this to you." Not knowing what else to do at that point, I thanked her and put the money in my pocket.

After that I headed to the nursery to get the boys. I left my Bible study folder and my bible in our study room. I came back to the room to gather the rest of my stuff and head to the car. When I got home, I opened my folder looking for something I'd put in there. I found a check for $25 from another lady from the study! I started to cry again! God blessed us with another $45 for me trusting Him that things would be okay.

You see- I was responsible for the snacks that day! We all take turns bringing the snacks for the study, and this week was my turn. I stressed a little about the money I was spending on these ladies, when it cut into what I had for our family. I DID NOT say that during my talk of the storm we're in! Yet, God blessed us in a way that we needed!

Then, if that wasn't amazing enough- the next day I went to Target to get a few things we needed. There was a gal, maybe the same age as my mom, that was asking about the baby. Somehow, part of what we talked about became a conversation of our Christian faith. And THAT somehow lead into me again explaining how blessed I have felt lately, in spite of Mark's significant pay cut. We talked probably 15 minutes. At the end of that time, she prayed with me. Then- She gave me a gift card she had in her purse! She told me to save it and have my husband spend it, but when he does, that he has to except that it came form Jesus!

He never stops amazing me! He blesses us when we don't expect it! He cares for us, even when we aren't walking as closely with Him as we should! And, he continues to bless Mark, even though Mark's faith is so little. I love how much God is working on him right now. I love how much He's working with-in me!! Never, at any other moment in my life, have I felt SO protected by our Lord!

Friday, February 13, 2009

In His arms

My Grandma passed away on February 1st, 2009. She was an amazing women that I will always treasure. She was a wonderful example of the kind of Christian lady I desire to be when I am old. Though her death was somewhat sudden, it was not unexpected! See, she was given 6 months to live back in August of 2008. She was within 3 weeks of that 6 month time frame. She will be sorely missed, but I rejoice that I know I will see her again! For today, she is face-to-face with Jesus!

I, however, am in His arms! He carries me as I grieve the friendship I have lost. Ya- she was my Grandma, but she was also a good, trusty friend. He carries me as I cry for the relationship my children will never have with her. And, as He carries me, he whispers in my ear reminders of the good times I had with her, the relationships my boys WILL have with other people, and the JOYS that await me when it is my time to go through the pearly gates.

Our God is an awesome, comforting, spirit lifting God! He brings us peace when our heart is broken. HE casts our broken heart and makes it whole again!! I am so thankful that I know this God. I can not imagine the pain I'd feel without Him!!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Blessed to be broke

Yup, you read that right! I feel blessed that we have no extra $$$. Why? Because we are learning to fully trust our Lord and maker! Learning to depend on Him, as we always should have been! God is faithful, and blesses us beyond our dreams.

We were naked, and God clothed us! (Well, our baby was car-seat-less, and He placed the desire on the heart of a friend to buy us one.)

We were broken, and God healed us. (God placed the desire on the heart of another friend to buy our big boy a very nice birthday present.)

We were hungry, and God fed us! (My in laws learned of how desperate we were and bought us groceries, and gave us gift cards to the grocery market.)

We can "wonder why" all these blessing keep finding us, but I know the answer. God loves us! He will not leave His children cold, broken, or hungry! He WON'T! When you trust Him to lead you, you find your way through the storm. Just remember to let Him drive. All too often, we try to take the wheel and end up driving off His path. It's scary! More like SCARY! Scary to step back and just trust Him when you don't know where the money to pay the water bill is coming from, but it is also a chance to rejoice! An opportunity to see how GOOD our God is! There are many "wants" that have not been met, but not one NEED!

So, Thank you God, for leaving me broke! May I remember to rejoice for all You give us!!